“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better” (Émile Coué)
calm: adj. 落ち着いた;穏やかな;peaceful and quiet; without hurried movement, anxiety or noise
collect oneself: vt. 気を取り直す;心を静める;心を落ち着ける;to get control of your feelings
collected:adj. 落ち着いた;冷静な;showing control over your feelings
cool:adj. 冷静な;落ち着いた;calm and not anxious or frightened; not influenced by strong feeling of any type
at ease: 楽な姿勢で;気楽に
let go (of):自制心から自由になる;自分を解き放つ;つかんでいたものを離す;を手放す;to stop holding something