ミルトン・エリクソン催眠誘導ビデオ1958 Hand/Arm Levitation


ところがこのビデオを見ると、オハンロンも著書Solution-Oriented Hypnosis: An Eriksonian-Approachの中で指摘していることですが、

Solution-Oriented Hypnosis: An Eriksonian-Approachの95ページから100ページにかけて、途中までのトランスクリプトが収められています。

(1:06-) And I am going to take hold of your hand in a moment or so.
Now, as you watch your hands, they are resting there. And do you know about the feelings you have when you are feeding a baby and you want the baby to open its mouth, and you open yours instead of the baby? And did you ever put on the brakes when you were in the backseat of a car?
Well, I would like that same kind of automatic movements. Now look at my hands. You see very, very slowly, without it being a voluntary thing, my right hand can lift
and it can lower. And the left hand can lift and lower. Now what I’d like to have you understand is this: that you have a conscious mind, you know that and I know that, and you have an unconscious mind or a subconscious mind. And you know what I mean by that, do you not? Now you could lift your right hand or your left hand consciously, but your unconscious mind can lift one or the other of your hands.
And I’d like to have you look at your hands, and I am going to ask you a question. And you do not know the answer to that question consciously, and you will have to wait and see what the answer is.
(3:24-) I am going to ask you. Which hand is your unconscious mind going to lift up first? The right, or the left?
And you really don’t know. But your unconscious knows. That’s right. And it’s beginning to
lift one of your hands.
lifting up. And now watch it. That’s right. Watch it
lifting. Up it comes.
Lifting higher. And watch it. Soon you will notice it. And keep watching your hand and watching it. And if you wish, you can close your eyes and just feel your hand
lifting higher and higher. That’s right.
Lifting still more. That’s right.
Elbow will start bending and the hand will come up. That’s right.
lifting. And now close your eyes and just feel it
lifting, and it’s
lifting higher and higher.
(4:51-) And I’m going to take hold of this hand.
And it’s lifting, lifting, lifting, lifting. That’s right.
And the other hand is lifting, lifting up. That’s right.
(5:24-) Now I mentioned before that the hand could lift and it could go down. And now I wonder if you know which hand is going to go down first? One or the other is going to go down. And down it comes. That’s right, that’s right. Down it comes, down it comes, and coming down still more. Still more. Down it comes, down it comes.
(6:04-) And as it comes down, I want you to go deeper and deeper into the trance. I’d like to have you enjoy going deeper and deeper. And when your hand reaches your lap, you’ll take a deep breath and go even deeper into the trance, because you’re beginning to learn how now. That’s right, coming to rest there. That’s right.
Now take a deep breath
and go way deep asleep.
And now, let it seem to you as if many minutes had passed. And I’d like you slowly to arouse and look at me and talk to me. And slowly rouse up now, slowly rouse up, rouse up now. And open your eyes. That’s right. And you’re beginning to learn to go into a trance. Do you realize that?
(I think so.)
You think so. And how does your hand feel?
(Um, a little heavy.)
A little heavy? And can you see your hand plainly?
(The one in my lap? Yes.)
And this one?
Now watch that hand as it gets closer and closer to your face. That’s right. That’s right.
And I would like to have you pay full attention to the sensation of the (ビデオクリップ 1/5終了)
M.Erickson Live Hypnosis Session (1/5) (ebooks-pilot.com)

(0:00-) And I would like to have you pay full attention to the sensation of the movement of your arm, the bending of your elbow, and the way that hand is getting closer and closer to your face.
And very shortly it is going to touch your face, but it’s not going to touch your face until you are ready to take a deep breath and to close your eyes and go way deep, sound asleep. That’s right. Almost ready, almost ready. That’s right, that’s right. And it’s moving, moving. That’s right. And you’re waiting for it to touch your face and getting ready to take that deep breath. Getting ready to go way deep, sound asleep in a deep trance. Almost touching now, that’s right, almost touching now.
And yet it is’t going to touch until you are ready to take that deep breath and your eyes will close. That’s right. Getting closer and closer and closer. That’s it, elbow bending more, fingers move up to touch your chin. That’s right, that’s it. Almost there, almost there. And now your head starts bending forward. That’s right. And you’ll take a deep breath and go way deep asleep. That’s right. (-2:24)


